CONTROLS (Classic tank controls) (Gamepad is wonky but works):

(Gamepad worked great in the editor, not as much in the browser. I did test with a ps4 cable wired to the computer, Bluetooth did nothing. But even then the left stick doesn't work only DPAD)

Move - W/S or DPAD up/down

Turn - A/D or DPAD left/right

Jump - Space or "X" (gamepad south)

Sprint - Shift or R1

Pause - ESC or gamepad pause

I spent most of this jam working on the "Camera" orbs (I refer to them as Scry Orbs) and making the building. Level design is not my specialty. But I learned a lot and hope you enjoy my "Game"


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Really Fun game! I like the doom like pixelated style. The level design is really good. I think the Control sign is too much. I also like the sound design. Great game !